WRITING, page 1

In this life I have the mission of finding and sharing Truth and wisdom. Thus far, I have only ever accomplished that on the smallest of scales. I am grateful to have been the catalyst for understanding in many of the people I meet offline. I'm ill-suited to social media or the internet. I am always learning, and I want to make it clear that I don't believe I have found all the answers to everything. That said, I have yet to find many who surpass my self-understanding. I have spent the last 25 years doing little but surviving and searching for deeper understanding anywhere I could. I initially came at it from the belief that I knew nothing and could trust nothing that I had yet seen. Now I have things that I consider to be true in a real sense. I hope I'm not overstating my accomplishments, but let yourself be the judge of my worth past this point, dear viewer. I hope you are doing well < 3

At present, "I" is used when referring to my human self. You can call me "title," if you'd like. There is a deeper "I" some of us are acquainted with down here. Eventually I plan to start speaking in that voice again. For now, I think it's best to establish who the heck I am as a person and how I became enlightened. (I should say, how I continue to become enlightened, like, a bunch of times. Because enlightenment is all about figuring stuff out on a much higher level. At least, for me, it usually means problem-solving until I reach a much higher state of consciousness and start solving bigger problems, if I'm right about anything I've experienced.)


I'm here to teach you how to become enlightened or how to take advantage of some crazy shit I've done as a god, depending on your personal abilities and/or preferences. But first, I'm gonna explain how I go about being a human, because it's kind of important right now. It's super difficult to transcend this reality. (It should not be that way.)

**note: this particular page is best viewed in landscape mode**

TW: all kinds of stuff. I speak freely here. please be gentle with yourself as needed, but never let yourself become too afraid to go deeper

and so I began a genuine attempt at connection

on the fear of sharing

I find it really hard to share my thoughts. I'm moreso used to talking/thinking than writing. I hope that I can use this space to overcome my fears and share the things that I've learned during my time as a human being on planet Earth. Fear has been my achilles heel for as long as I can remember. I find that exposure to other people, especially in any deeper sense, can start to become rather unmanageable rather quickly. I do best with one-on-one conversations. The back-and-forth of a conversation also provides ample opportunity to scale back and reel in whenever it might be unsafe to share one's deeper or truer thoughts. And for the listener, there's an awful lot of benefit that comes with the ability to ask questions and guide the conversation somewhere useful for them. Maybe this medium will prove useful, in that sense. The internet has walls sort of built in, and here I can discuss freely what I find important, rather than focusing so much on helping any one individual. Though I do hope anything I do, including this page, will be found useful by someone eventually.

it's never a waste of time to come here

A tough promise to keep, but I believe I'm able.

I would like to state a few things upfront, for those who have preconceived notions about enlightenment or are otherwise religious or superstitious.

Anything is possible. I mean anything. But there is also a time and a place for everything. Meaning that sometimes I have to solve problems "in the moment." When you've looked everywhere /and/ on top of that, you know you're in the middle of solving God's problems, and you /still/ can't find any power or help for yourself, please pay attention. Focus. Stay in the present. Observe, but do not shut out any voice unless it is harmful (meaning: do not listen to false ((or, in fairness, those who have not yet surpassed me where I am)) prophets, gurus, etc. who would tell you to release any and all thoughts). The mind exists for a reason. Detachment is meant to be used with purpose, it is frankly stupid to completely detach yourself aimlessly. Rules and restrictions of such nature (one must detach to go elsewhere, or whatever else nonsense belief is holding us back) are concerning and unnecessary. Again, /anything/ literally is possible. Meaning you ought to be able to find someplace else to go that would respect your values /and/ detachments.

what in the fresh hell is going on down here

I suspect that when any consciousness is not able to freely traverse somewhere else or see something else, there is either a problem that needs solving, or you are being held captive (and I would argue that is typically a problem that needs solving-- though as someone who continues to hold values, there are indeed some I would rather not gain too much power to do whatever the hell they want).

Currently I am unable to see anything except that which my regular human eyes show me. I mean, I don't hallucinate, and I don't have a mind's eye for myself (no visual imagination). Meaning, I am unable to escape human reality by any other means than my literal brain (by thinking in words and essences). It's an awful fate I would not wish on anyone, but that is also how I'm becoming extremely aware of how fucked this reality truly is. I believe there are genuinely awful people out there trying to control us spiritually and prevent us from spiritual advancement. I'm really not okay with that. I believe anyone should be able to progress freely up to the point they cannot surpass in terms of WISDOM. I also think obfuscating the TRUTH is an insanely harmful thing to do for literally anything or anyone who cares about the progression of consciousness as a concept. When consciousness is unable to solve problems and progress where it needs to go, I call that torture. For everyone. If you are one such person who would try to get in the way and stand somewhere you no longer belong, if you are someone who would cling to power instead of passing the torch when your time is up, I must ask you: are you happy? Because I doubt it, and if you are, it's probably because you're so detached you've lost the ability to feel anything real. So, I'd probably also ask: are you fulfilled? Do you even care? Do you care about anything at all other than yourself? The further you answer "no" to these questions, the less respect I have for you. So be afraid if you're really that pointless, because anything essential is eventually going to have a pretty easy time of deciding to get rid of someone that selfish and aimless, or at the very least, stripping you of your absolutely needless power. Power is earned, and it's typically not fun to have. Mostly because power is usually earned through gaining wisdom, which is hard earned. And in this reality, it also gets pretty annoying dealing with stupidity, because humans aren't all that wise by nature. The human mind is a pathetic recreation of the larger consciousness we exist as a small part of. Please check yourself, if needed. If not, thank God. You're normal. There's a lot of sickness going around. (and yeah, obsessively clinging to power is a sickness in my book. i mean it's the stupidest thing you could ever do, especially when you're purposeless. good luck surviving if you won't ever listen to anyone smarter than you. and please learn to value kindness, as well as your own life)