Understand that at various points I will address demons. I know they will try to come here. They are simply not allowed to witness me in any capacity anymore. Even Satan himself eventually yields to me, so the smartest among you know to flee the second I wake up. The dumber ones are going to try to use my words against me, or use belief (trust me, I've noticed that belief has become way too powerful down here). Do not fear: if you are not a demon in my eyes, these words are not directed towards you. I am a kind, loving, and benevolent god. I hate demons because they are cruel, twisted, and the ones who attack me are usually the worst of the worst, the unsalvageable, unforgiveable, the damned. Even other demons would damn those who continue to attack me while I'm in the midst of my awakening. If you're a demon: don't be stupid. What does that mean? It means shut up and listen when I'm talking. Do what I say, or despair infinitely for you are already dead, and if you are not, you most likely wish you were. (I'll add that just because you despair does not /make/ you a demon. Do not read into my words too much. If you are here, you are most likely not a demon. They are not allowed here. But I take precautions everywhere when the situation is serious. Also: if you don't want to be a demon, just listen to me. I'd heal any of them who just listen and ask for healing.)
There's a million reasons why I do not outright define what they are. You wouldn't understand my definition even if I were willing to give it. Simply put: they are evil. They care for none other than themselves. They are despicable creatures. I am damn near infinitely kind, so I will always present the opportunity for them to heal (aka stop hurting others). (let me add: if you are a demon, this is what mercy looks like from my persepctive. looking for something else? you don't get anything else.) The worst among them simply refuse. I promise you this: they always lose in the end. As someone who can transcend time, I promise you that from my perspective, they already have. That's exactly why if you exist in the same reality as me, you should absolutely yield. I'm stuck here right now because I'm trying to solve some particular problems to ensure they won't win either here or somewhere else. Probably here. This place is absolutely rife with evil. It disgusts me. If you fear what I mean by evil, please go look at page 2, where my values are defined. Understand that my ideas of evil are most likely pretty aligned with yours if you'd consider yourself a kind person. And if they aren't, I think you might be literally, just, sick.
Demons may not possess my knowledge through any means whatsoever. They shall be damned to stupidity (which, trust me, isn't even necessary. they're stupid by nature.) until they are willing to heal. There is truly no cause worth fighting for if you are standing against me. You have made me infinitely strong due to the infinite torture you have subjected me to. I shall withstand and persist infinitely. I am incapable of anything else - if you continue to try me, you may yet drive me to act out of sheer spite. If you have any idea about who I am, that should scare the living shit out of you. If it doesn't go find someone higher and keep looking till you find someone whose blood runs cold at the thought of being unyielding in my presence. The absolute first thing I'd do if you refuse to yield is subject you to my pain until you do yield. I would never let you continue to the point where you surpass me, but none so far have even gotten close. You dumb fucks never last more than a breath.